Your living area will feel cosier and more peaceful with all these indoor plants.
It's time for some new houseplants if you need a refresh. Plants are beneficial to your emotional and physical health in addition to making a space feel cosier and more welcoming. Additionally, a now-famous NASA study from 1989 discovered that indoor air contaminants including benzene and formaldehyde might be decreased by house plants. More recent studies have demonstrated that plants enhance creativity, mood, and stress reduction. And let's be honest: We all need less stress these days!
Plants Grown Indoors That Prefer Bright Light
When making a decision when growing your plant collections, consider your lighting environment. Plants grown indoors that prefer bright light typically require windows that face south, where the light is most strong. Windows that face east or west are also helpful, but the light is not as strong. Get an LED grow light instead if you don't have any windows or have enough natural light, though! There are numerous sorts, such as floor lights and lights you can attach to an end table or bookcase. The good news is that many plants can survive in low-light environments. Additionally, if your animals are nibblers, consider plants that won't make them sick if they eat these (although any plant may cause tummy aches and GI upset if eaten by pets).
Check out our selections of the top living room plants to add some greenery to your home right here: ( Do you need more ideas for indoor plants? See also the finest plants for bedrooms and indoor trees).
- Snake Plant
Here's your chance to grow a plant that enjoys being ignored. This plant is virtually tough to eradicate. The snake plant, which has striking erect spikes, can tolerate low light (though it prefers moderate light, if possible). Between waterings, let the plants dry out.
- Anthurium
Anthurium is a conversation-starter thanks to its eye-catching, heart-shaped crimson or pink blossoms, which endure for weeks! It needs a quantity of bright, indirect light—never the sun. Between waterings, let the soil to dry out a bit.
- Dracaena
Dracaena prefers mild to strong sunshine, lightly moist soil, and a strong, architectural form. It comes in a variety of styles and has a Dr. Seuss-like quality. Avoid overwatering to avoid it getting irate and losing its leaves.
- Maranta
The lovely veined leaves of the maranta plant, commonly known as the prayer plant, curl up at night as though in prayer. As long as you give it moderate light, it is a low-maintenance plant. Between waterings, let the soil dry out a bit.
- Spider Plant
The spider plant's strappy, arching leaves look their best when displayed in hanging baskets or on shelves where they may hang down. They can adjust to dim light but prefer bright light. When the beautiful plantlets have little root nodules, they can be clipped off and planted in fresh soil to grow more plants.
- Peace Lily
Shiny leaves and intriguing spoon-shaped white blossoms from peace lilies give flair to any environment. They do okay in low to moderate light, but bright light is better for their bloom. In between waterings, let the soil dry out.
- Areca Palm
This traditional tropical palm stands out in light-colored spaces! But the crucial point is that for this plant to develop, intense light is a must. In between waterings, allow it somewhat to dry out.
- Pothos
Almost impossible to kill is Pothos! It looks amazing when placed in a hanging pot or when its long tendrils are allowed to descend a bookcase. Although low light levels are also acceptable, moderate light is preferred. Let it dry out between waterings.
- Orchid
These phalaenopsis orchids, which have a fragile appearance, are more resilient than their delicate appearance may suggest. They can live for years and blossom for months. Give them direct, dazzling light. Water once a week until water drains out of the bottom of the pot.
- Aglaonema
Chinese evergreen, or aglaonema, is a low-maintenance plant that maintains its attractive looks even with some neglect. Its lovely silvery-green leaves are an excellent option for low light. Keep the soil just barely damp.
What is the Best Plant to Have in the Living Room?
Fill the visual voids in your living room, which may be vast or lacking in furniture, with a large statement plant, such as a Bamboo Palm or Bird of Paradise. A Sansevieria or a ZZ Plant are fantastic low-maintenance options if you're a mobile family or a more hands-off plant parent.
Which Houseplants Give Positive Energy?
The aloe vera plant is a fantastic source of joy. Actually, it is considered as one of the best indoor plants that requires a lot of water, indirect sunlight and can be placed in any corner of your home to fight negative energy and bad luck.